PVP-Newsletter 2023-12-24 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – Thanks to be part of a community which tries to make the world a little bit safer……
PVP-Newsletter 2023-12-24 | Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year |
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo! Feliz Natal e um bom Ano Novo. God Jul Och Ett Gott Nytt Ar. | Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année. Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo Glaedelig Jul og godt nyter. Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar. |
Thanks to be part of a community which tries to make the world a little bit safer……
“Zusammenkommen ist ein Beginn Zusammenbleiben ist ein Fortschritt Zusammenarbeiten ist ein Erfolg” (Henry Ford) | “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” (Henry Ford) |
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Hydrogen for Christmas?!
For many, many years it has been a tradition in Germany to decorate the Christmas tree with balls and to use (leather) balls filled with air to play ball.
And hydrogen, which has been widely cited since the energy transition, also consists of (two) balls….
In order to stay up to date, I asked Ms. Schwarz, an artist from Jüchen, who has been presenting her works of art on our first floor for several years, to do some work on this topic.
Her result

is certainly also influenced by the political and resulting economic turbulence of this calendar year.
In contrast to the German teams, who were not exactly successful this year in their handling of football, handball, basketball and volleyball, her handling of balls and spheres is again very successful for our taste this year.
But judge for yourself.
“The eye sees what it seeks”!
With this quote from the German landscape painter and impressionist Max Slevogt, who was born more than 150 years ago, we wish you a lot of fun while discovering and contemplative hours with your family, friends and companions.
Make the turn of the year a “round thing” and “push” like us a few days a “quiet ball”.
You can “calculate with us” again from January 04, 2024.
And rest assured, unlike far too many of our fellow citizens who are very present in public, the employees of LES GmbH and Ingenieurbüro Dr.-Ing. Gert Lau will neither lament nor obstruct in the New Year, but rather debate without taboos, discuss constructively and simply get on with it.
If we all act together in this way, there may still be a chance of leaving our great-grandchildren an intact, clean and debt-free world.
Personally, I hope that performance will be much better honored again in the New Year and I am proud that my employees get up every day to give their best.
Stay healthy!
Your ” Simulants from the Aggerbeach”.